S.E.A. GmbH


Automotive Industry

For the automotive industry, S.E.A. offers.

Among other things, solutions and products ranging from test systems accompanying development to quality assurance in series production for test centers, wind tunnels, connected cars, component tests, and special measurement systems.

Certifications: ISO 9001 and evaluation according to TISAX(TISAX is a registered trademark and is managed by ENX Association).

  • Sports car in a Toyota Motorsport wind tunnel

    Wind tunnel control systems

    Air resistance, thermal management, air conditioning and noise generation are important parameters that are evaluated by wind tunnels in many fields of application and industry.

    Wind Tunnel Control System – WTCS
  • Road traffic with v2X communication

    Connected Car / V2X

    V2X (vehicle to everything) communication is a crucial safety factor to achieve e-mobility and road safety requirements for autonomous driving. S.E.A. has a broad portfolio to meet your ADAS and Connected Car requirements with our test systems and products.

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  • Frontal area measurement system

    S.E.A. Frontal Area Measurement System

    The frontal area of a vehicle and the aerodynamically acting forces determine the drag coefficient (Cw value). The drag coefficient is a measure of the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle body. The accurate measurement of the frontal area is a crucial parameter for vehicle design, S.E.A. has a patented solution for you here.

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  • RF spectrum

    Wireless Component Tester

    The Component Tester provides a complete test system for testing components for wireless communication. Typical fields are: Validation, qualification, development of hardware and software.

  • Car window defroster measuring application

    S.E.A. de-icing tests in the wind tunnel

    S.E.A. hat ein Produkt zur Steuerung, Überwachung und Auswertung von Enteisungsversuchen entwickelt. Zur Bestimmung des Entfrostungs- und Entfeuchtungsverhaltens an Fahrzeugen werden Messungen im Windkanal aufgezeichnet und mit Methoden der automatischen Bildanalyse ausgewertet. Das System beinhaltet alle Komponenten zur messtechnischen Erfassung und Bewertung von Entfrostungs- und Entfeuchtungsversuchen.


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